17th of April 2009
The day that the love story started
A guy appeared in my life
He pulled my out from sadness
made me believe in love again
A guy who i love so much
17th April 2010
It's our very 1st anniversary
Dear planned the schedule of the day
we went to MidValley
due to Job Fair that held there

Outfit of the day ♥
I look super short n fat in this pic

While on the way to MidValley
Thing that i used to do in the car is
Jeng! Jeng!

One of my favourite pic ♥
Tried to be sexy like other models

Dear loves camera too

Kinda hard to find a parking in MidValley
Because everyone was heading to the same place
Job Fair in MidValley

A long queue to go into job fair
so crowded in the convention hall >.<

Walked around the job fair
Suddenly spotted something

Everybody busy captured photos there
so as well as me
Don't want to miss the chance to take pic

About the job fair
Nothing much or special
Banks hiring people
Big or small companies also the same
Even companies from Singapore
and it was crowded with people
Packed like sardines
seemed like everyone was searching for a new opportunity
Dinner time~
me and dear headed to Chili's
My favourite actually =p

Love the ambiance

Camwhore again while waiting for our food to be served =D

Dear likes this pic XD
We just ordered one set of meal
because it's in a big portion
i can't finish it all XD
Our Chicken Crispers

Dear feed me

I feed him back ♥

Before dear pay for the bill
i gave him my present

What is that?
it's a love diary that belongs to me and him
It don't cost me much
but is very meaningful present ♥

Every special moments between us
will be jot down in this lil diary ^^
Attached with photos
Dear read it when at home
So happy? XD
Hope he will like it ♥

One of the pages

And so dear cam whore with me again
He knows that i love camera
How sweet is him
Aww ♥

I Love You Dear ♥
May our love last forever