First stop in Malacca
Chiew brought us to a shop
Donald and Lily's
It's famous of their Laksa noodles and cendol

Jeng jeng~~
The famous laksa noodles

Rate: 9/10
It tastes delicious
i like the cucumbers
it makes the whole dishes taste even better
and of course the Cendol

Rate: 7/10
It's the best desert during hot weather
The ice will quench your thirst
and your whole body will cool down quick
Fresh coconut milk is essential for Cendol
Of course, i like Cendol a lot

Weng Chiew and my dear =)

A must picture
me and my dear

With bloated stomach, we continued our journey
Dataran Pahlawan
Due to the hot weather, we chose to hang out in shopping mall
That's the chance for me to find my younger brother
He works in Pahlawan
Visited him and chit chat for a while
Here, i found a accessories shop
Got myself a nice hairband which i love it the most
It's super duper cheap if compare to KL's price
Guess how much it costs?
It's less than RM10
only RM7.90

Basically there's nothing much about Pahlawan
Just walked around and took some photos
Here's some of the pics
Pictures of me~
Credits to my dear O(∩_∩)O~~

Interesting craving
But i can assure you that this is nothing if compare to those in Italy =p


Chiew recommended us to the roof top
for the famous LAYER CAKE
Oh my~
Finally i got the chance to taste it
Shop Name: Nadeje
Hey guys, you must try this out when visit to Malacca

Love the ambiance
Kinda relaxing once entered the shop
Temperature in the shop is much lower than the hot weather outside
They have many big and comfortable sofa
So that you can sit there and relax
Chit chatting with you friends

Yum yum yum~
can't wait to taste it

Us again~ =D

The guys

We ordered 3 slices of cake

From the top right is the original flavor
It's the best among other cakes
Lower left is the chocolate 【if i'm not mistaken】
and the green one is Green tea
【Oh my favourite green tea】
Layer cake is actually a handmade cake
they do it layer by layer
need a lot of work huh
But the price is the same with cakes from Secret Recipe
Worth it...
Recommend: Try the original one!

Stayed there for an hour
We start some shooting there since we had nothing to do
I noticed that they do really like to pose =p
so i be the photographer

and again
Some picture of me =D

Me and my dear

Jump, jump... =D

Found this at the main entrance of Dataran Pahlawan
So Cute~~

We are family XD

My main reason to visit to Malacca is for Jonker Street
Since the time still early
They decided to go to Arena
for snooker

That's my dear playing snooker
Look handsome huh?

After a long wait, we headed to Jonker Street
To be honest, that was my first time been there
I always wonder how it looks like

The look of Jonker Street
Day and night time

Another recommendation from someone
Popiah is also one of the must in Jonker Street
It runs by an old man
He taught us how popiah pronounce in Mandarin
Me who have a little of Mandarin background
Don't even know what is it called in Mandarin

The fried one also taste good

Another must eat
The egg tart
Didn't take any picture of it
Too hungry by that time
I realised there are many special stuff can be found in Jonker Street
Such as?
D.I.Y candy floss machine
You can make the candy floss on your own
Just put in few coins
There you go~ Your own candy floss ^^

Another attraction
Ice cream with so many flavors
Grape, Sarsi, Kickapoo, Lime, Mango etc

She put the ice cream in the water
I wonder how it works
Maybe it's the icy water

Sky getting darker now
We had finish our tour to Jonker Street
Before we go for dinner, I saw lights over the street opposite's so nice

We did actually took some of the pic there
Love the lightings
This place look so much different than day time

My favourite pics

Dinner time~
Satay celup
Malacca is famous for satay celup
Saw many same restaurants
Been to Capitol before
People used to have a long queue waiting
But this time, we went to another restaurant
Not in the town
Business as good as Capitol
Forgot what is the name of the shop 【Sorry=p】

The portion that i took
11 sticks XD
I ate a lot huh

We stayed overnight at A-Famosa
Dear's daddy owns an apartment there
Didn't really sleep well that night
They played mahjong for the whole night

Finally i'm done with this lengthy post!
Up coming post
【Italy trip】
Stay tune =)