We departed early in the morning
Before that, we went for our early breakfast
Long time never wake up that early
I used to sleep late and wake up late
On the way to KL

We headed to KL central to pick up 2 ladies
They came from Taiwan

That's the 2 ladies with ah Boy
Captured this when we almost reached to the top of Genting
They never been there before
So, we stopped by for them to take some pictures

Cloudy day,
a sign that it's going to rain real soon
For me, it's okay to rain
Rain will cause the temperature drop
and here comes the chill wind n cooling air

Arrived First World Hotel around 12pm
Waiting to check in
There's a lot of people that day due to public holiday
It's the Mid-Autum Fest
Malaysians love to visit Genting whenever there's a PH

Wait, wait and wait
Camwhore to kill the time

Boredom is killing us
As we waited there for very long
All of us don't feel exicted for this trip
Most of us didn't have enough sleep on the nite before
Exhausted when we arrived Genting
You can see a gang of pandas walking around Genting

Time for a nap once we got our room
First time ever
We spent our time for nap when in Genting
All of us sleep for 3 Hours
And hang out after fully charged our battery

We hang around First World
As usual, took some pics
It had become our habit when we visit to a place
Me and Teddy

She had a new hairstyle which i like it a lot^^

I can't help with this
She loves to be a kid
Same goes to my baobei
Beh tahan~~
Me with the fluffy candy

It's grape flavor

How tall is her?
Just 124cm?
Awww...poor thing =p

Since we were in Uncle Lim's Genting
Don't miss out the chance
to do what?
Gamble gamble

I don't like to gamble and i don't gamble
Just accompanied them to go into casino
Some of us got to check Ic including me
Face problem?

Love the outdoor moment
We chit chat and snapped photos
Heaps of fun

I've used to be their photographers

Captured all the happiest moment
Kept it as a memory here
People wondered why i captured so many pics
The only reason
Picutres will be the best medium to keep our sweetest memories

The emo guy
Lost a lot of money to Uncle Lim?!
Oh no!!!

Please don't jump!
I know u lost a lot of money
But please don't commit suicide


Ladies from Taiwan

Link said that I look more Man than she did
What do you think?


It's late night
and started to rain
We headed to Starbucks for some drinks

Delicious cake

Me and her

Ah Boy and the ladies

First time saw people eat that in Starbucks

Fb fb fb to kill some time

Me and teddy

What's wrong with Teddy?

Spot the lady sat behind her?
The smoke caused Teddy to be so cute =p

Sorry for being so rude XD
Finally the rain stop
Here comes our outdoor activity

Yes, again!
Hahaha..We won't get bored of playing that

Rain started to fall again
No choice
we had to go in

and photos again

The next day,

Mirror is our love

We took a picture like this a year ago
and now we were back again
It's not perfect cos lack of Link

It should be 4 of us in this picture =(
Best friend

and me!

=Breakfast time=

Teddy's breakfast

Her breakfast

We said Goodbye to Genting
and said Hello to Sg Wang
Did some shopping there with them
【The End】