Fyi, i went back to my hometown, Seremban last weekend
Never been home for half of a month
Busy adapting to life here
Had home sick
I miss my family so much
Feel like crying whenever my mom calls me
Hikss hikss
I drove back to Seremban ALONE!
With the manual car
Thumbs up for myself =P
I went back on Saturday after work
Traffic jam
Lotsa cars everywhere in KL
which I hate it the most
But it's okay
It's worthy
Because it's my father's Birthday on that day^^
HIs 51st Birthday
My daddy is getting older every year
Can I make the time stop
I don't want my parents to get old
Please please please~~
A small cake for my lovely Father
Chocolate cake
My family's favourite all the time^^

Light on the candle
We sang the birthday song to my Dad
Although it's just 3 of us
Which is me, my youngest brother and Mom
Simple n small celebration yet very warm

My lovely dad^^
Who i love so much
He's kinda introvert
Hmm..should say that our family is the same
We won't say " I love you" face to face
But we will show our love by action

My dad is always a cool and serious daddy
He seldom play jokes with us
He's such a caring Dad
U may think that he's wordy
In fact, he cares about us ALOT
He will keep telling us to do this or not to do this
To beware of this and that whenever we r outside of the house
I can feel the L.O.V.E from him
I Love You Daddy
Muakss ^~^
and Happy Birthday!