Gong Xi Fatt Cai everyone!
In a blink of eyes, 3rd day of CNY is gonna end soon
Happy time usually do pass fast huh?
How's ur CNY so far?
Fantastic?or Boring??
My CNY is full of activities
One best word to describe

But but but~
Still enjoy with it XD
While my memory is still fresh in mind
Let me share my activities today
on the 3rd day of Chinese New Year
I attended a gathering
Primary schoolmates gathering which will held every year
We were classmates during Standard 6
After graduated from Primary School
We will visit to our form teacher every CNY
and we did this for 12 years
This year..the Rabbit year
is the second cycle of our year
Means what?
Means we are 24years old now!

Last year with only 12ppl attended

This year is the most successful gathering
we had 20 ppl to attend this year
My outfit of the day

Everyone was so excited when meet up
Everyone busy chit chatting around
took alot of pic
since most of us only able to meet each other one year once
Here are some of the ppl who attend the gathering
or the 1st time after the 12years of cycle

Me and Fiffy =P

Me with the pretty KahBee
Used to be one of the besties when in primary school
but lost contact after graduated
Kah Bee and Emily

Me with Kenny



Some random photos


The group photos
all of us with our teacher Mdm.Hee

This year's gathering was the best gathering ever
Awesome one =)
Had lotsa fun with them
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